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Wednesday 22 July 2015

Five Misconceptions about Feminism

When did being a feminist become a bad thing? Feminism seems to be the butt of the internet's jokes just recently and it can feel that my loud and proud confessions of being a feminist seem to met with one huge eye roll from a society that just doesn't understand. No, I don't laugh at the ridiculous jokes that I should be in the kitchen making a sandwich, and yes... I did make my partner stay up with me and do the night feeds (even when I breast fed for moral support) and no... that doesn't make me uptight nor does it make me a bitch. Feminism just lately seems laced with negative connotation after negative connotation and today, I hope to clear some of that up and pave way for us feminists.


If you're claiming to be a feminist whilst claiming all men are useless/stupid/inferior then go home and do your research. Feminism is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as "the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of EQUALITY OF THE SEXES." Equality of the sexes, not female supremacy. Feminists argue women are equal in all circumstances to men. Attributes depend on the individual as a person and not on gender. 


If anything, feminism is about choice not dictatorship. Feminists should not outline a certain lifestyle as desirable and downgrade all other lifestyles - that's just another form of control. Feminists should not slut-shame, or size-shame, or any-shame, we should ensure all genders have the right to choose a lifestyle and that an individual is not objectified by another individual on the grounds of gender or vulnerability. If you are promiscuous by choice that's fine, just as it's perfectly okay to wait till you are married and be a stay at home mum with dinner on the table for your husband by five o'clock. What's important is that you have the right to choose. 


There's a definite stereotype/misconception that all feminists are clean faced, vegan, butch women with hairy legs and brief cases. Not true. It's fine not to work make-up, to not eat animal produce, to be butch and not shave your legs. Of course it is, and I'm not mocking any of the choices, I'm just explaining that you don't have to live up to that stereotype to be a feminist. You can be a feminist and a house wife, I LOVE my make-up and I love dressing up. You can even be a man. You just have to believe in equality of the sexes. 


Sexism is still very much alive in today's society - just because masses of progress has been made it does not mean the issue is resolved. Just look at maternity leave vs paternity leave. Women are not naturally more nurturing than men, we're just brought up to behave in such a way and as we're with the baby longer than the dad of course we take to parenting and bonding with more easily - poor dad doesn't get as much opportunity. An example of sexism in my life is that several people told me I would not be able to do a university degree as well as raising a baby; whereas nobody said this to my partner - he was just congratulated on both accounts. It's discreet sexism but it is still sexism. Sexism is rife in the work place even with wages still being lower for women in some work places. There are far more serious needs for feminism across the globe too, but I really don't have the time to outline them all. A quick google will definitely inform you of why sexism is very much still alive and kicking. 


Some people brush of feminism as not necessary to them. They're happy with the way things are in their life so why bother? This is the society our children are growing up in and circumstances can change in an instance. Equality is relevant to everyone no matter what gender, age, race or religion you may be. People are subject to sexism every day; it's just so ingrained you don't always see it. Sexism affects everyone - even men. The feminism movement for the vote included the working-class male vote. We want equality. Equality of parenting, working, pay, lifestyle etc. I want my partner to be entitled to just as much parenting as I am, just as I want to be entitled to just as much freedom as him. 

Feminism is relevant and necessary. We need it and it needs to be understood. 

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