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Saturday 18 July 2015

Fashion and Self Confidence for the Every Day Woman

So, I intend for my blog to take on themes surrounding fashion (99.9% of this concerned with plus size) and parenting as those are two of my favorite things. I knew that today I wanted to focus on the fashion element but I wasn't sure what I wanted to say.(As if I could kid anyone I know what I'm talking about!) I took a bunch of pictures of myself in some of my most loved and newest clothes and thought I would take it from there.

It was a difficult process to say the least.

Not only am I in no way model material, nor can I work photoshop or even have a decent camera to trick the light or whatever the usual model does; I have NEVER (since I gained the weight) taken a body length picture of myself to share on the internet. Heck, I've never taken a full body length picture of myself to share with myself!!!!!

I hated the first few pictures. Hated them. I changed back into my pyjamas and swore the whole blog was over. Dramatic, me? Never. I beat myself up with questions. Tess Holliday absolutely rocks a crop trop, she's sexy as hell and she's bigger than I am! Why oh why, can't I pull off a simple top and leggings?! Then my partner (bless him, putting up with me) gave me the answer :- confidence. She's sexy because she tells the world "I am sexy and eff you, if you think otherwise!" Not only that, but I was also comparing myself to how the women online looked in the clothes that I ordered - who, let me tell you, are very rarely over a size 14 and are masters of funky lighting cameras and photoshop! So here are the pictures I liked and am braving sharing......

I feel (you may totally disagree with me here) that these clothes look good on me because I look happy to be wearing them. In the same way, a crop top would not look good on me because I would feel uncomfortable to be wearing it and that would be visible. I accepted that my stomach is bigger at the bottom, that I have big boobs and I dressed to accentuate this shape.

I also love these clothes because they are easy. Nothing is more annoying than chasing after a toddler with spanx making you sweat an ocean as they ride right up your backside. You might feel slimmer (you might be burning the extra calories to become slimmer in that heat!) but it doesn't feel sexy and being a mother it IS important to still feel womanly and good about yourself. These are just simple tops and leggings (okay and one skirt) to pull on in the midst of teeth brushing, cereal pouring and the wrestling that ensues (better known as dressing your toddler) and I feel ace.

I guess my fashion advice is to love yourself, to dress for yourself, to not compare yourself to others and try to instill the confidence in yourself to wear anything. Trust me, I know it's easier said than done, but that's no excuse not to try.

If you DID somehow happen to like the clothes I've chosen, everything in these images is from and this is how they look on a UK size 20, 5"8 with no photoshop, no special lighting, no spanx or shapewear, not a full face of make up and not even matching socks. (Who has time to match socks anyways......) Just your average plus sized mummy.

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