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Wednesday 22 July 2015

Dear Overwhelmed Mummy

Dear Overwhelmed Mummy,

Please stop worrying and give yourself a break. It's okay to struggle and feel tired. It's okay to need a break. It doesn't make you a bad mother -  it makes you human. Stop beating yourself up. The very fact you keep trying makes you a perfect mummy. It makes you the best mummy in the world and though your child may shout and scream and pull your hair... They think that you are amazing. I promise.

Please stop comparing yourself to everyone else. So, you're in your dressing gown with greasy hair and a noisy baby with a drenched bib and spaghetti stained face whilst super-mum across the road is immaculately dressed complete with full face of make-up and a squeaky clean silent cherub. It's all appearances. Super-mum secretly struggles from time to time too. Your baby may be paddying now whilst you question "how does that super-mum do it?!" But... their little one will paddy soon and they'll ask the same of you.

Please stop worrying what everyone thinks about you. Nobody is judging you. Sometimes it feels like they are, but that's only because you are judging yourself. So, your little kiddo just screamed at the top of their lungs and frightened an old lady, life goes on, the world keeps spinning. It doesn't matter.

Please know that you are doing a fantastic job. From all the way over here through this computer screen I know that you definitely are. You should be proud of yourself.

I promise that tomorrow will be a better day.

Love from Overwhelmed Mummy.

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